Thursday 29 March 2012

4NCL Hit by Petrol Crisis?

There's a 4NCL (British Team League) weekend coming up and Britain is in the grip of a petrol crisis (either that or it's a government ruse to take our minds off their half-witted budget measures, pensions rip-offs, NHS destruction and general mismanagement of the country).

Organiser of top-level chess events in Liverpool, Prof. David Robertson, wrote on his Facebook page: "Isn't there a sizeable risk that those who reach Hinckley Island on Saturday will be trapped there forever? Didn't Sartre write 'Huis Clos' with this in mind?"

A frightening thought. As Sartre might have written in similar circumstances, "l'enfer, c'est les autres joueurs d'echecs"...

Thursday 15 March 2012

Chess Links

Note that the old domain now points to

If anyone is missing the chess links page, note that it can be found in two places;

One is at the main site here:

And also at my personal website, here: