Ever wondered how to pronounce 'Euwe'? Or 'Scheveningen'? Or 'Wijk aan Zee'?
Wonder no longer - there is a website which gives guidance on the pronunciation of some chess-related Dutch names and terms...
Very useful - though I'm not sure I can replicate some of those sounds myself.
I'd quite like to see a general guide to pronunciation of chess names and terms in their various languages of origin. What, for instance, is the correction pronunciation of Pirc? Or Najdorf? Or Topalov?
ReplyDeleteSo would I but who is going to do the work? Not me, that's for sure. I confess I am sick of hearing people pronouncing 'Pirc' like the English word 'perk'. But I am as bad myself: I am completely unable to force myself to pronounce 'fianchetto' in a vaguely Italian way. The habit of 40+ years and Spanish influence is too strong.