Friday 29 March 2013

Loek van Willy Holds His Trophy

A bit of light relief from all this heavyweight coverage of the FIDE Candidates' Tournament... on my Facebook feed this morning, I read an amusing article called '28 Newspaper and Magazine Layout Disasters'. Some of them will make you laugh out loud, while others will make you cringe with embarrassment.

But I can also empathise with the editors who perpetrated these atrocities. Let's be honest, it's almost impossible to do an editorial job for any length of time without making a mistake of this sort. In my early days as editor at British Chess Magazine, I managed to let this photo of Loek van Wely and his Dutch colleagues get by me without spotting the joke. The Dutch team were celebrating the Netherlands having won the European Team Championship in Spain in 2001.

Loek van Wely holding a trophy - or should that be Loek van Willy?

BCM, January 2002, page 53, editor (I regret to say) John Saunders...

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